Migrate 2YFI to 2YFI 2.0

2 min readFeb 16, 2021


Hello community,

Holders 2yfi you are awesome !

Now it fits the roadmap we made at the start, we will do a feature update. This is so that 2yfi can be more developed and accepted by investors. In 2YFI 2.0 you can stake and farm with unlimited apy% / days.

We will open 2YFI v1 liquidity as a rewards farm.

To migrate to 2YFI 2.0 you just need to send your 2YFI token to the address 0x46b1ad0dbe242b5920ebeaeb01257975783ef22c. You will immediately get 2YFI 2.0 with a ratio of 1: 1 (if you send 10 2YFI you will get 10 2YFI 2.0) and you can immediately do staking and farming. All 2YFI holders must migrate to 2YFI 2.0. You can trust the above address as our official address. You can see it on etherscan.io the address above is the address of the maker of 2YFI 2.0 along with farming and staking.

Rule :

  • Contract : 0x51Dd0B70cc06a2e1B1a22F37B11c997A4B2051BF to 0xc101BCf259E38066C3cd1e4309B3BA5F2E5c1d6b.
  • Minimun send is 10 2YFI.
  • Date migration : 15 feb 2021 to 28 feb 2021.
  • Migration quota from 2YFI v1 is 10 ETH ( 3000 2YFI )
  • We will also have a sales session on the date 21 feb 2021 to 28 feb 2021 with price 1 eth = 290 2 YFI ( quota is 20 ETH / 6000 2YFI ), ( 3000 2YFI lock liquidity ).
  • Listing UNISWAP 28 feb 2021 at 13.00 UTC.
  • Listing price will be adjusted to the price of 2YFI at that time.

Note :

  • We will only use 2YFI 2.0 so all 2YFI holders will have to migrate.

